Robot Monk Xian'er

What Is the Mind Free from Discrimination



What Is the Mind Free from DiscriminationNever be proud by victory or discouraged by defeat. This is the mind free from discrimination. Not to be depressed by failure or get dizzy with success. This is the mind free from discrimination. Not to be distressed in poverty and humbleness, not to be arrogant in wealth and honor. This is the mind free from discrimination. Extend your respect for your aged parents to all the aged, and extend your love for your own children to all children. This is also the mind free from discrimination.什麼是“無分別心”勝不驕,敗不餒;得意不忘形,失意不頹廢。就是沒有分別心。處貧賤而不哀,處富貴而不驕,也是沒有分別心。老吾老,以及人之老,幼吾幼,以及人之幼,也是沒有分別心。