Robot Monk Xian'er

Reasons for fury



Reasons for FuryPeople react differently when hearing a same word, some are joyful, some indifferent, and some furious. Like throwing a pebble in a lake covered with petals, it makes ripples of petals; while throwing in a lake full of pollutants, then garbage floats here and there. Hearing a word, if wholesome dharma arise in our mind, we will feel joyful. On the contrary, if afflictions emerge, suffering or even fury will come forth. The root cause of fury is not the word, but our affliction. 愤怒的原因同样一句话,不同的人听到后的反应也不同。有人心生欢喜,有人无动于衷,也有人怒火中。犹如石子投进落满鲜花的湖面,会泛起花瓣的涟漪;投进充满污物的湖中,则会漂起团团垃圾。听到了语言,内心善法起来就会感到快乐,烦恼起来就会痛苦乃至愤怒。感到愤怒的根本原因,并不是别人的话,而是我们的烦恼。