Robot Monk Xian'er

A truly beneficial friend 真正的益友



A truly beneficial friend In order to make a truly beneficial friendwho dare to give you critical advice, one has to have a big heart. The law ofrelated karma applies here, too. One need to put in great efforts to cultivateone’s own virtue, to aspire for virtuous friends, and to be modest and eagerfor learning. Then, gradually, virtuous friends would gather around you.  On the contrary, if you are arrogant andalways belittle people around you, you won’t be able to recognize virtuousfriends even if they stand right before your eyes.  To cultivate for our spiritual growth, weneed not just good friends but beneficial friends. A truly beneficial friend issomeone who helps us with our spiritual growth instead of being a refuge ofemotions and a listener of our painful stories.  真正的益友欲得忠言逆耳之益友,当有虚怀若谷之心胸,这也是业感缘起的道理。归根到底还是从自己身心上努力,发希求善士之愿,努力培养谦虚、好学之德,渐渐就能感召善友。反过来,若总是觉得身边的人都不如自己,贡高我慢,即使善友就在眼前也不认识。修行,要有“益友”而不仅是“好友”。真正的益友,是能够帮助自己成长的朋友,而不是一个情感的依赖处、烦恼的安慰者。