Robot Monk Xian'er

Tranquility 寂静



Tranquility If your mind is agitated, afflictions are stirring up.Tranquility in the Buddhist context is achieved due to wisdom’s capacity tosubdue afflictions. No outside changes can sway the mind. Massive power ishidden in such quietness.  Humans are like this, easily swayed by conditions. Itmight be easy to remain calm and get along with the world wisely when one’senergy is sufficient. Otherwise, one world be tipped over easily and a tinyundertaking could be feared as a heavy burden.  This must be the performance of anuntrained mind. To practice the Dharma is to guide our mind to tranquility fora longer time, with more joy, and with more power. The basic way is to keep onpracticing regularly. For example, read sutras or chant the names of Buddhaevery day, without interruption. This helps our mind to settle down.  寂静 心不能静,是烦恼尘埃泛起。佛法所说的寂静,是以智慧堪破烦恼,故不为境界所动,这种平静中蕴含着很大的力量。 人就是这样,状态总是起起伏伏的。心力高的时候,比较容易保持平静,为人处世也就比较有智慧;反之,心力低时内心就容易动荡,很小的事情都会变成沉重的负担。没有经过训练的心肯定会这样,而修行就是让我们内心更长时间地保持在平静的状