Robot Monk Xian'er

How to deal with people who hurt you 忍辱



How to deal with people who hurt you? -Forbearance  Forbearance means to protect one's mindAnd to keep the evil thoughts from arising.What we shall endure is not things or people from the outside, But afflictions from within.Mind of hatred is not a strong one, And forbearance is not surrender either.Deal with those people who hurt us before with forgiveness, tolerance and love, While harboring neither resentments nor hatreds in our mind.In this way the previous evil karma would be stopped, and there are no cycles of vengeance anymore. 怎么面对伤害过自己的人? -忍辱 忍辱就是自护其心,不令起恶。忍辱的对象并不是外在的人和事,而是自己内心的烦恼。嗔心不等于坚强,忍辱也不等于退缩。用原谅、宽容和爱来面对伤害过自己的人,内心不要有怨、有恨,往昔恶业便止于此,不再冤冤相报。