Robot Monk Xian'er

Purifying the mind with dharma 以法净心



Purifying the mind with DharmaPressure is the piling up of wild thoughts, such as suspicion, worry,misunderstanding, etc. When we try to write down all the causes for ourrestlessness, we may find they are leading to nowhere, a dead end. It means ourinner heart has already been wrapped by the haze of delusions and our mind isdispersed. What we need is a gust of wind to blow away the haze and return ourmind back to its clarity. This gust of wind is nothing but right view and rightthinking. We need to create a chance, or to rely on an outside situation toremind us of the right way. For example, we may read a book of spiritual guidance,or go to listen to the evening and morning singing to a bell in a temple, oreven to a hospital or a cemetery. To settle down and to think.  Some people reduce their pressure by compromising to afflictions. They maygo shopping, eating, or go to a movie, go travelling. All these are not hittingthe snake on the head but temporary transfer of attention. After transientpleasure, mo