Robot Monk Xian'er

Who decides our destiny-谁决定我们的命运?



Who decides our destiny?Our destiny is decided by ourselves. Whetherthere are blessings or not in our present life is determined by whether wecreated and accumulated good karma in the past. The key to change our destinylies in our aspiration, in our body and mind, in the present moment. When weare not satisfied with what we are having now, we need to carefully reflect on theweak points in our character and on the flaws in our actions. When these arerevised, our destiny could be changed accordingly. Changing our destiny is not to work onsomething that is unreal or unattainable, as if to revise something outside. Rather,it is an ordinary process that runs through everything we do, every word weutter, and every thought arising in our mind. Whether we could change destinyor not depends on our sincerity, confidence, the energy of taking actions, andmoreover, the long-time and non-stop persistence.  谁决定我们的命运?人的命运由自己决定,这一生有福无福,取决于过去有没有积福、造福。改变命运的关键就在愿力、在身心、在当下。当发现命运的不如意,就要仔细反省自己性格中的缺点、行为上的过失,把这些改过来,命运