Robot Monk Xian'er

Sit quietely with him-静静陪他坐一坐



Sit quietly with himWith neither aspirations nor directions, wewill find the journey ahead less and less exciting, and we tend to be trappedin confusion and desperation upon tiny bits of setbacks. Before we’ve found ourown ideals, we can make friends and learn from those who have a purpose andgoal. We may feel the inner light and enthusiasm emitted from these people.Gradually, our own mind will be enlightened and ignited. He who keeps nothing but his own grievanceand distress in mind is prone to be defeated by setbacks; he who has thewellbeing of more people in his heart is able to shine from inside with hope.Let the darkness be lit up because of our brightness, instead of drowningourselves in the sea of blackness. Apart from mere “wiping”, positive“building” is equally required. Read more great books, and constantly plantseeds of wisdom on the ground of our heart; do more good deeds within reach,and light up our life with kindness. Give a helping hand when others are inneed; sit quietly with those