Robot Monk Xian'er

Adapting to conditions-主动随缘



Adapting to conditions activelyWhatever external conditions are, we canalways adapt to the conditions to do good deeds and to create virtuous karma. Forthis adaption to work beautifully with the given conditions, we should have aclear direction and goal in mind. “Opportunity is always ready for those whoare well prepared”. This is what is meant by adaption to conditions, which iscarried out with ease and comfort. When the given conditions are not matureenough, we do not force them because we are not kidnapped by what lies outside.Instead, we adjust our expectations, wait for the right moment, or we createnew opportunities.  Many of us take “flowing with conditions”as an excuse for not to act, not knowing that the prerequisite for this dharmadoor is to have a purpose, a direction. It is far from a cry of helplessness.Instead, it is wisdom realized with ease. We act upon the given conditions,with no attachment nor delusion. Meanwhile, we are active not sluggish. This iswhat it is meant to adaption to condi