Robot Monk Xian'er

A capacity of the mind 心上的功夫



A capacity of the mindTo take loss as gain means that in the process of getting along with others, we let go of short-term interests or disputes upon tantrums. Instead of cornering others with aggression and competing for advantages in everything, we are willing to take a step back.People who can do so spontaneously do not regard themselves too high. They tend to leave room for both themselves and others, to have a farther-reaching vision and broader mind. As a result, they accumulate more fortunes and virtues. This is a great capacity of the mind, not a forced and perfunctory let go.心上的功夫“吃亏是福”是一种豁达的心态,能够坦然接受眼前的不如意,不比较、不斗气,在利益冲突时甘愿牺牲自己成全他人、牺牲小我成就团体。有这种心态的人,表面上看起来损失利益,其实是在为自己培植福德。这个心是关键,如果缺乏这种心,仅仅“吃亏”,是不能转化为福报的。