Robot Monk Xian'er

What are you chasing-Not affected by eight desires你在追逐什么,八风不动



What are you chasing//Not affected by eight desires Are we pursuing what we really want? We will restore strength if we take a break to ponderinstead of keep rushing along. Serenity is strength. With this strength we will not be easily swayed by the “five desires and eight winds” for which we do not really desire.When our heart is anchored to supramundane ideals We may obtain real serenity and profound happiness. 你在追逐什么?//八风不动 我们追求的真的是自己想要的吗?不要一直奔跑追逐,停下来静静思考,才能让心恢复力量。宁静是一种力量。不被五欲八风扰动,因为“志不在此”,当我们内心有了超越世俗的理想,心有所止时,就能够获得真正的宁静与深沉的幸福。