The Melissa Ambrosini Show

607: Breaking Family Patterns To Liberate The Way We Live & Love | Vienna Pharaon



Why do certain patterns from our childhood keep showing up in our adult life?Is it possible to break free from these inherited behaviors? And how can we heal those old wounds to transform the way we live and love?To answer these pivotal questions, I’m joined by the brilliant Vienna Pharaon, a licensed marriage and family therapist and the author of The Origins of You, who’s back for her second appearance on the show.In this deeply enlightening conversation, we delve into the concept of ‘family of origin’ — the family and framework you grew up within — and how it impacts every aspect of your life, often in ways you might not realize. Tune in to learn: how to identify and address the wounds from your past, the vital importance of truly feeling your emotions, how to begin your healing process, powerful strategies to rebuild self-trust when you’ve let yourself down, and why your past does not need to define your future.So if you’re seeking to understand yourself on a deeper level, break free from unhealed wounds,