Speak Up With Laura Camacho

293: How Neurodiversity and ADHD Traits Can Impact Your Executive Presence and/or Imposter Syndrome



Neurodiversity and ADHD traits can significantly impact high-performing individuals in their leadership communication and confidence.Today we’re leaning into neurodiversity in leaders and learning strategies to manage these challenges effectively at work.By the end of this episode you’ll know:- How sometimes a diagnosis helps you understand why you’ve been having certain challenges at work.- Ways to navigate communication with diverse personalities, from visual artists to corporate executives.- Insights into leveraging your introverted strengths for authentic and effective leadership without compromising your true self.Tune in now to uncover the secrets of effective communication and leadership tailored for introverts and high achievers—transform your interactions today!Knowing your own signature communication orientation is essential for authentic and confident executive presence. Discover here your own signature communication style (free assessment) so your voice can begin to be heard and respected in meeti