Roy Green Show

How can we best confront racism and anti-Semitism? Should Canadians maintain confidence in the immigration system? What is at stake for Canada, in the current NAFTA negotiations?



The Roy Green Show   AM980's Andrew Lawton fills in for Roy Green while he's on vacation. Comedian and Hollywood legend Jerry Lewis has passed away at the age of 91. - In the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, a former neo-Nazi is breaking her silence on the subject of hatred and racism. Guest: Elizabeth Moore, former neo-Nazi member of the Heritage Front - Racism and anti-Semitism are major topics of discussion following the violence in Charlottesville. A Toronto Sun columnist wrote a column: “Why I won't support the left’s Jew haters”. Guest: Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun columnist - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Canadians should maintain confidence in the immigration system. Meanwhile, thousands of asylum seekers continue to pour into the country illegally. Guest: Michelle Rempel, Conservative immigration critic - NAFTA renegotiations are underway. What’s at stake for Canada, especially considering the hard stance being taken by the United States? Guest: Jon Johnson, se