Cornerstone Church, S.c.

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?



Suffering we have all experienced it Some of us are going through it   Today – Going to approach it this way 1st: A Christian THEOLOGY of Suffering What does the Bible teach, and how is that different than other perspectives   2nd: A Pastoral Response How we can walk through really difficult times Let’s look at the IDEA of suffering When Bad people do bad things, bad things should happen to them Karma You get when you deserve   But what about when Bad things happen to GOOD PEOPLE? Child gets sick Stolen from Natural Disasters This is what is called in philosophy: THE PROBLEM OF EVIL Most suffering comes from evil or can be seen as evil   Let’s look at it from a few different perspectives…   BUDDISM We suffer because we are too attached to worldly things. Buddhism urges us to get past suffering by not clinging to material objects or even to relationships with other people. Buddhists say that a desire for things and relationships is what causes us to suffer.   HINDUISM Suffering is regarded as punishment