Conscious Soul Growth With Molly Mccord

Narcissism, Soul Growth, and the Astrology Chart - Empaths, Lightworkers, HSPs



They do not change. They will never change. They do not grow. *You must accept this.* They do not stop their tactics because it works for them. Never engage with them. They are dead to you. They always come back for more attention, energy, validation (narcissistic supply). They will try to bait you, humiliate you, engage you in any way, to get access to your energy through a reaction. They are unsafe, destructive, harmful, and dangerous to your well-being. Narcissists engage in gaslighting, baiting, character assassinations, humiliation, attacks, hoovering, flying monkeys, lies, manipulation in multiple forms, extensive self-obsession, extreme drama, reversing the story, and one-sided narratives that only serve them in some capacity. The gold is found in YOUR growth, empowerment, detachment and strength. The gold is found in what you are powerfully ending for your own soul growth. The gold is found in what is evolving in your own astrology chart and personal planets. Please seek professional help and suppo