Cornerstone Church, S.c.

Living With Purpose | The Lullaby Of False Purpose



The Power of Lullabies   Pastor of Underground Church in Iran (Muslim Country) “It seems to me that the church in the West is under some sort of satanic lullaby.”   New Series: LIVING WITH PURPOSE Next few weeks Looking at how we Discover our purpose Today, we will look at the Idea of Purpose from a 50,000-foot view Title: THE LULLABY OF FALSE PURPOSE   To know your part in the plan, you need to understand the LARGER PLAN We can’t understand our purpose outside of God’s larger purpose for all things   This is what we MUST know… God created the world ON PURPOSE and FOR A PURPOSE We are not an accident   On Purpose = You and this world are NO Accident You are not a mistake You have purpose because all of God’s creation has purpose   Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image; he created him in the image of God; he created them male and female. For A Purpose = Why did God create the World FOR HIS GLORY   Isaiah 43:6-7 6 Bring my sons from far away, and my daughters from the ends of the earth— 7 everyone