The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic

Obligation Sex – Milica Jelenic



The Pleasure Zone with Milica Jelenic - Diamond Host Have you ever just had sex and not really wanted to, but you did it out of obligation? Some people feel that because of their relationship status they have to sex, that's obligation sex! I have heard quotes from religious texts stating that sex in marriage is an obligation. In this episode we will discuss: The definition of obligation sex Why do people feel obligated to have sex What are the repercussions of obligation sex What can be done to change obligation sex into joyful, present, enjoyable sex? Join Milica Jelenic, Holistic Health Practitioner and Sex & Intimacy Coach on this episode of The Pleasure Zone to find out more about "Obligation Sex". Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Milica Jelenic – –     ~ More About The Pleasure Zone ~ Milica Jelenic is a Sex & Intimacy Coach. What is pleasure? Have you