Keepin It Real With Janean

Quantum Biofeedback w/ Ryan Williams



Ryan Williams is the founder and developer of The Insight Health Apps, a group of mobile health applications, the flagship of which is the Genius Insight Biofeedback App. A powerful tool for assessing the bodies bioresonance using sophisticated voice analysis. It is an assessment and balancing technology that identifies energetic disturbances and corrects them through frequencies. Some of the topics we cover: Frequencies are always changing What is bioresonance Bioacoustic Voice Profiling Muscle testing The role of intention Many different modalities all in one system Balancing is based on the clients needs VS based on the training of the practitioner We are quantum energy beings The Quanta Capsule The Remedy Plate The Genius Exponential Training Program My referral link for a free 14 day trial of The Genius