Intelligence Squared

Tides of Transformation: Regulating Oil



The Government has introduced new legislation requiring annual rounds of oil and gas licensing in the North Sea. What is the relationship between licensing policy and the energy transition?  In the third instalment of the new podcast series from Intelligence Squared, Tides of Transformation: An Oil Story, produced in partnership with the Fraying Ties? project, Gavin Bridge from Durham University and Gisa Weszkalnys from the London School of Economics are joined by Andy Samuel, the former Chief Executive of the North Sea Transition Authority, and Catherine Howarth, the CEO of ShareAction for a conversation about licensing and regulation in the oil sector – how policy has evolved, and where it’s going wrong.  Other contributors include former Chair of the Climate Change Committee Lord Deben; co-founder of Extinction Rebellion Gail Bradbrook; and, Head of Oil, Gas and Mining at Carbon Tracker Initiative Mike Coffin.  –  This episode was recorded on September 26 2023, the day before the regulator gave approval to