Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP449 Small City Mayors Make Huge Impacts with Mike Pineda – Orig Aired 6.19.24



Our guest today is Mike Pineda. Mike is a 2024 Candidate for Mayor of Avondale, AZ. Mike currently serves as Vice Mayor, and seeks to continue using his personal and professional experience to Serve this small city, just west of Phoenix with huge impact. 1) Politics, even in small cities and towns, can be a rough arena. And serving as an elected official is a team sport that involves your entire family. What are the driving issues that caused you to run for Mayor of Avondale? -My three tenets are Community, Education, and Small Business. 2) The race you are in is non-partisan, yet we find ourselves in a time in history when political party ideologies are deeply ingrained in the decisions that elected officials make. How do you navigate these issues? -Leadership matters, and decision-making as a Mayor requires experience, skill and collaborative relationships. Through my many years of serving on City Council and as Vice Mayor, particularly in the West Valley area where several small cities work closely togeth