Solomons Porch Valdosta

Everday Faith Week 4



Welcome to our latest sermon series, "Everyday Faith." In today's message, we explore the incredible privilege of being called a "Friend of God." Based on James 2:23, we look into Abraham's example and what it means to cultivate a deep, personal relationship with God. Key Points Covered: Faith in God: Abraham's unwavering faith is a cornerstone of his friendship with God. Learn how trusting in God's promises, even when circumstances seem impossible, forms the foundation of a divine friendship. Remaining Connected to God: Friendship with God requires ongoing, intimate communication. Discover the importance of maintaining a close connection with God through constant prayer and listening to His voice. Obedience to God: True friendship with God is demonstrated through our obedience to His word. Explore how living according to God's commandments deepens our relationship with Him. Scriptures Referenced: James 2:23 NLT Romans 4:20 NLT John 15:15b NLT Exodus 33:11 NLT James 1:22 NLT Psalm 25:14 NLT John 15:10-1