Rocky Mountain Christian Church

Everyone Has A Story Worth Telling | The Story of the Samaritan Woman - June 23, 2024 - Nic Carver



Think back to the best stories you’ve ever heard—aren’t they often the ones where everything went hilariously wrong? Whether it's forgetting tent poles on a rainy camping trip or dealing with a string of vacation disasters, these tales captivate us. But in real life, especially regarding our spiritual journeys, we often hesitate to share our stories, thinking they’re too mundane or messy. Yet, the Bible shows us that our stories, no matter how small or chaotic, have immense power. In John 4, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman whose life is full of personal challenges, yet her encounter with Jesus transforms her into the first missionary, sharing her story to bring others to faith. Today, we’ll explore how recognizing and sharing our own stories of God’s work in our lives can inspire and impact those around us. Join us as we delve into the story of the Samaritan woman and discover the significance of embracing and sharing our unique narratives.