Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 198: WILDERNESS Part 4 - What looks like the wrong direction in the wilderness is often the right way.



What looks like the wrong direction to you might very well be the RIGHT way. Have you been fighting what seems like a step back, a demotion, or a weird move that God has been asking you to take? God may be asking you to trust Him, because your obedience to step back will allow Him to CATAPULT you forward. Joseph was given dreams of how he would be a leader and be bowed to by his brothers and parents. But what happened next in his life was not a step up, an elevation, or even a fraction of what we would expect from such a vision. Joseph was thrown in a pit, sold into slavery, and put into prison before the Lord elevated him among all the people. The Israelites left Egypt with no concept that they would have to face the wilderness, but God knew that if they saw war, they would turn around with their tails tucked between their legs, right back into slavery under Egypt. But God had a plan to use the wilderness, what we view as the “wrong direction,” to strengthen His people, including you today.    Monologue: Aut