Yutorah: R' Eliyahu Ben-chaim -- Recent Shiurim

Hilchot Shabbat #215 - SA Siman 319 Saif 3-4 (with Mishna Berura & Sephardi Poskim) [Borer: Clothing, Watermelon Seeds]



Hilchot Shabbat #215 - SA Siman 319 Saif 3-4 (with Mishna Berura & Sephardi Poskim) [Borer: Clothing, Watermelon Seeds] - Jun 18, 2024 - Halachot of Shabbat Shiur #215 - Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim Siman 319 שיט Saif 3-4 with Mishna Berurah and Sephardi Poskim בורר Borer Watermelon Seeds Borer with Kelim and Clothing / Books