Apostle Sydney Quaye

The Blessing of Abraham - Angelic Involvement



Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church Welcome to our podcast, where we explore a powerful message by Apostle Sydney Quaye, titled "The Blessing of Abraham: Angelic Involvement." Apostle Quaye highlights the profound blessings bestowed upon Abraham, emphasizing the crucial role of angels in manifesting these blessings. He distinguishes between angelic assistance and involvement, noting that angels deeply engage in fulfilling God's promises. As heirs to Abraham's blessings, we too can expect angelic involvement in our lives. Apostle Quaye encourages us to embrace this reality, declaring blessings over our families, health, finances, and endeavours. He illustrates through personal experiences and biblical stories how angels actively participate in everyday situations, guiding and protecting us. The message calls for heightened faith and awareness of angelic presence, urging believers to confidently declare and receive divine blessings. Join us as we delve into this enlightenin