Ponderings From The Perch

Data Storytelling in Market Research and Great Buyer Persona Examples with Marry Hunter



Like the bird she named her company after, Data Larks founder, Mary Hunter, is looking to lead the dawn of a new era. On today’s episode Ponderings from the Perch, the Little Bird Marketing™ podcast, Hunter and host, Priscilla McKinney, delve into the world of market research and its potential to increase both awareness and market potential for underrepresented communities.  Data Larks is a pioneering consultancy dedicated to diverse data storytelling and analysis. Hunter, with over 20 years of experience in cultural studies, shares her insights on both the benefits and overall importance of inclusive persona profiles, the pitfalls of traditional and subsequently outdated market research methods, and the intersection of market research and marketing in today's diverse landscape. “We need to be able to pull all of [these differences] together and learn to collaborate,” Hunter explains. “To be able to deliver incredible insights that our clients can act on.” Hunter and McKinney also discuss the transition of di