Faith In Maine

Caring for our Trees, Caring for our World



Enjoy a sermon preached by  The Rev. Alison Cornish,  Program Consultant with the BTS Center, for our September 12th diocese-wide online worship service created by the Climate Justice Council of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine. You can watch that service in its entirety on our Episcopal Maine YouTube or Facebook channels. With roots dating back to 1814, The BTS Center is a private foundation in Portland, Maine, building on the legacy of the former Bangor Theological Seminary. The BTS Center seeks to catalyze spiritual imagination, with enduring wisdom, for transformative faith leadership by offering theologically grounded programs of continuing education and spiritual formation, including workshops and retreats, learning cohorts, public conversations, and projects of applied research. Enjoy Reverend Cornish’s sermon!  Music: Alpine Meadows by SnowMusicStudio and Our Inspiration by MediaM. Licensed through MelodyLoops #85999536