Iron Sharpens Iron

When Fitness Becomes An Idol (EP. 227)



The Men of Iron BODcast is back for Week 3 with Justin and Roman! This week we are talking about the dangers of fitness becoming an idol. "Whatever you do, do it ALL for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31. If you don't view your fitness and body through a God-centered lens, it can quickly become an idol. This happens when you start putting your identity in your looks, or what you can accomplish through fitness, instead of God. What are some red flags to tell if you are making fitness an idol? #1 - Spending too much time at the gym that it takes away from God or your family #2 - If it doesn't bring you a healthy excitement and joy When we talk about fitness becoming an idol there are two sides. There are men who spend too much time working out and men who don't spend any time or enough time working out. The overall mortality rate is 41 percent higher for men than women, and it’s higher for men for 8 out of 10 leading causes of death—including heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes (Indiana State Univ