Beyond Well With Sheila Hamilton

Ep. 302/ Your Creator Matrix/ Catheen Beerkins



Cathleen Beerkens is the founder of A Wellness Revolution and the author of Your Creator Matrix, where she shares new research and techniques to achieve optimal wellness. Your Creator Matrix is the interconnected framework that links your mind, body, and spirit on all levels (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) with the Unified Field. When we master our stories—the deeply-held narratives and beliefs that influence all of our choices and creations—and learn how to digest our life experiences in new ways, we gain the power to choose new future timelines and manifest the wellness, abundance, and love we truly desire.In this thought-provoking book, researcher and integrative health coach Cathleen Beerkens shows us how quantum physics and the new sciences of epigenetics, glycobiology, and nutrigenetics can support us to create optimal cellular health, digest and assimilate our old storylines, nourish ourselves at all levels for optimal wellness, and begin to operate fully as the Creator in our lives f