Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 197: WILDERNESS Part 3 - Perspective in the Wilderness



Israel’s reputation before the wilderness was not good. Egypt considered them their property, other nations saw them as weak, and Israel’s own mindset of themselves was poor in spirit. God knew that taking them through the wilderness would not only transform their reputation, but their perspective. Israel went from complaining about not knowing what was next, not knowing where their food would come from, and not having any control over their situation, to a complete transformation of trusting God ENTIRELY and trusting Him alone for ALL of their needs. At the end of their wilderness season, they looked at whatever challenges they face with courage and without fear. God will use your wilderness season to transform you and your reputation in the same way.    Monologue: Autumn tells of their family’s summer plans and how the month of May went in the Miles’ household.  Message: Autumn provides the kind of perspective believers should have as they face their wilderness season. Question: “How do you encourage your g