Aufhebunga Bunga

/417/ Has India passed peak Modi? ft. Achin Vanaik



On India's election and a blow for the BJP. Esteemed writer and social activist Achin Vanaik is back on Bungacast to unpick India's monumental, seven-week-long electoral process in which over 600m people took part. How did the ruling Hindu nationalist BJP lose its majority? Is there really a cult of personality around Modi? How does the BJP differ in important ways from Western 'national conservatives'? Does the BJP losing seats reflect a loss of support for Hindutva ideology? Modi claims India will reach developed economy status by 2047. Is this true? How bad are problems of under- and un-employment, especially for the youth? What is the nature of India's "crony oligarchy"? How does the National Population Register threaten to divest people of citizenship? How does the BJP see Israel as an example for itself? Links: /198/ Universal India ft. Achin Vanaik In State Repression and Its Justification, India and Israel Have Much in Common, Achin Vanaik, The Wire Narendra Modi Is Preparing N