Roy Green Show

The Roy Green Show Podcast June9: Fmr Cdn Amb to Israel Vivian Bercovici. Rescue of 4 hostages. - Katja Heuer on UK PM Sunak national service. - Adam Zivo: Tales of a safe-supply child soldier. - Gaming fascination? Tony Eriksen, Tony's Game Lounge.



Today's podcast: Four Israeli hostages abducted by Hamas last October 7 in the terror attack on Israel were freed by IDF in a daytime assault on a refugee camp in central Gaza. According to Hamas-run Gaza health ministry at least 274 Palestinians were killed in the military raid with the EU's top diplomat Josep Borrell calling it a "massacre." - Also on Israel's northern border, according to our guest full-scale war may now be inevitable between the Israeli military and terror organization and Tehran-backed Hezbollah, based in Lebanon. Hezbollah is far stronger than Hamas and fought the Israeli military to standstill in 2006. Guest: Vivian Bercovici. Former Canadian Ambassador to Israel. Joining us from Israel's northern border with Lebanon. Conservative Party U.K. PM Rishi Sunak is firm that if he's elected to serve as prime minister following the July 4 British election that national service (in U.K. Military or civilian organizations) will be mandatory for all on reaching their18th birthday. Would this