Taylor Marshall Catholic Show

#018: A Podcast Against Bitter Catholics! [Podcast]



I’ve been a bitter Catholic, in the past and I don’t want to be one anymore. Are you a “bitter Catholic”? Find out why you might be one and how you can overcome it in this week’s podcast. I share personal stories and also give some advice for getting closure with 2013 before making goals for 2014. Click to Listen: A Podcast Against Bitter Catholics! If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, click here to listen. [Visit the Taylor Marshall Podcast ARCHIVE to explore other topics by clicking here.] 1) Proverb of the Week: Prov 14:10 2) Tip of the Week: Get closure with last year before you make goals for next year. 3) Featured Segment: Against Bitter Catholics 4) Latin Word of the Week: amaritudo Please Share Your Feedback Our new podcast is still doing great on iTunes: 42,887 downloads! Please click here for an easy way to leave a question. A huge “THANK YOU” to all 142 (!) of you who wrote amazing 5-star reviews at iTunes. If you’re new, you can rate this podcast by cli