Taylor Marshall Catholic Show

#051: The Price of Your Anger [Podcast]



My goal this week is to uncover the price of your anger. You know, anger is one of the seven deadly sins. I recently had an epiphany about my own anger and how it effects my life. I’m going to share two recent examples of anger in my life and how I’m learning to overcome it. Click to Listen: #051: The Price of Your Anger  If the audio player does not show up in your email or browser, please click here to listen. Proverb of the week: James 1:20 Featured Segment: The Price of Your Anger Announcements: New Book Augustine in 50 Pages will be made available at taylormarshall.com, likely in the next month! If you’ve signed up, you’ll get it free and automatically. Just look for the email. To sign up, go to taylormarshall.com Tip of the week: Set a price on anger Latin word of the week: Tranquilitas Are you enjoying this podcast? Please share it on Facebook by clicking here. Please Share Your Feedback: 218,938 downloads on iTunes as of today. SHOUT OUT: A huge “shout out”