Watch This With Rick Ramos

#497 - Die Hard - WatchThis W/RickRamos



Yippee-Ki-Yay, M*#^%$F@!^!#: John McTiernan's Die Hard  This week a 1980s Action Classic . . . John McTiernan's Die Hard (1988). A huge gamble for 20th Century Fox in the late 1980s, Die Hard remains the standard for "everyman" action films. Before the character would become a superhero, impervious to any and all pain, John McClane was a New York cop, visiting Los Angeles, and struggling to keep his ego, anger, and jealousy in check in a Christmas Eve attempt to win back his estranged wife. We all know the story . . . Terrorists (?) take over Nakatomi Plaza and all that stands between their nefarious plans, freedom and (spoiler alert) $650 million is John McClane. What could have been an obvious and forgettable action film chooses to go against the grain and - thus - creates the archetype for the "everyman" hero. There are moments throughout McTiernan's film that would set the template and move away from the indestructible and introduce a relatable and vulnerable hero.  With a great supporting cast including: