Iron Sharpens Iron

Do Christians Need To Be Fit? (EP. 226)



The Men of Iron BODcast is back for Week 2 with Justin and Roman! Last week we talked about the theology of fitness and why it’s important. This week we dive into what it looks like to pursue your fitness goals and physical health for the glory of God. “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV). Take a moment and think about why you work out? Is it to glorify God or for personal gain? God wants you to use your physical abilities to glorify Him, serve others and live out your purpose. Like we learned last week, your body is a temple and your fitness is ultimately about honoring the Holy Spirit who lives inside of you. Running a marathon, going to the gym regularly, getting in shape, eating healthy. These are all great things that we SHOULD pursue, but God has to be at the center. Do it ALL for the glory of God. Fitness matters because of the Gospel, you were bought at a price, so honor God with your body. If you have struggled with your fitness