Q & A**: The Podcast By Q

Episode 73 | The Lion King



While we don’t have a guest this week, we DO have the story behind Kevin’s lion hunt in Mozambique. The struggles, the victories, the reasons behind wanting to do something like hunting a lion; Kevin explains it all. He also gives some insight and education on the process and why it’s important for the conservation of these species that we all love so much. Tons of people have asked for it, so here it is. Sit back and enjoy. It’s a good one. GET YOUR MYSTERY SHIRT AT: https://liveqordie.com/mystery-shirt/ Make sure to Like, Share, Subscribe...you know what to do. Go to https://www.tacticaldistributors.com/ and use code UNPOSSIBLE15 at checkout for 15% off your order. *Exclusions apply* Email: podcast@liveqordie.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unpossible_by_q/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/unpossibleq Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UNPOSSIBLEbyQ/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/q-llc