Feisty Productions

Debate Night



In this late night episode we give our immediate reaction to the Scottish Leaders' debate on BBC Scotland.We also look back at a week which saw SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn receive rounds of applause in the 7 way UK equivalent particularly when he took on Farage and the great unspoken-Brexit .Meanwhile on Radio 4's Any Questions John Nicolson got exactly the same rousing response from the audience in Rutland( Yup it does exist in reality not just the fertile imaginations of Eric Idle and Neil Innes).You can listen to John herehttps://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001zw62Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse for Rishi Sunak he decided to skip the international element of the D Day 80th anniversary commemorations and return home for an ITV interview and an election planning meeting. Is there a Labour plant in the Tory campaign team given the stupidity of that decision?Today also saw the launch of the Tory Party Election Manifesto. Over 70 pages worth but given the state of the polls and the crumbl