Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Police, The Truth Trauma, Scars and Protecting Victims.



Police, The Truth Trauma, Scars and Protecting Victims. The Stark Reality of Sexual Assault. Truth and Trauma: Investigating Sexual Assault In the US, someone is sexually assaulted every 98 seconds. Over one-third of women have experienced rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner. Most victims of rape and sexual assault are women (91%), with the remaining 9% being men. Women are more likely to be assaulted by someone they know than by a stranger. You can listen to this in Apple Podcasts, our website, Spotify or most major podcast platforms. The emotional scars of rape often persist long after the assault:     30% of women report PTSD symptoms nine months after being raped.    33% contemplate suicide.    13% attempt suicide. Vulnerability by Age     Ages 12-34 are at the highest risk for rape and sexual assault.    Those aged 65 and older are significantly less likely to be victims. Millions of American women have experienced rape, with young women at particular risk. As of 1998, an estimate