Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Journey from Trauma Surgeon to Police Officer: His Amazing Story



Journey From Trauma Surgeon to Police Officer: His Amazing Story. We explore the remarkable journey an orthopedic trauma surgeon took and also became a police officer. He maintained his medical - surgical career including trauma care while also being a police officer. Based in the Chicago, Illinois, area his career transitioned dramatically following a tragic incident that shook the nation. Available as a free podcast in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, our website or most major podcast platforms. Dr. Greenberg was working as an orthopedic trauma surgeon at Level I and Level II trauma hospitals in the Chicagoland area when the Columbine High School massacre occurred on April 20, 1999. This harrowing event, marked by a school shooting and failed bombing, profoundly affected him. In the wake of the massacre, which left twelve students and one teacher dead and many others injured, Dr. Greenberg decided to take action against such violence and the police procedures that were common place at the time. Journey From Trauma