Prepping Academy

T-REX Readiness Exercise Coming up! Grid-Down Communications



What happens when the grid goes down? Can you stay connected and manage in a world without power? Join me, Patrick, the National Communications Coordinator for PrepperNet, as we navigate the critical T-REX readiness exercise, a three-day grid-down communications event organized by AmRRON from July 19th to 21st. This episode offers you the chance to explore different ways to participate, whether you're just monitoring or actively involved. Discover practical tips for preparing, such as testing your survival skills, turning off your power, and practicing bug-out drills. We'll also dive into the essential equipment and software you'll need to ensure seamless participation.I’m thrilled to introduce Beth G from PrepperNet, who brings a fresh perspective as a new radio operator participating in T-REX for the first time. Beth takes us through her journey from using GMRS repeaters to earning her technician license and mastering digital communication tools like FL Digi. Listen to her riveting experience