Laptop Lifestyle Podcast With Dr. Ed Osburn | Online Business Success

LLP 006: Tim Paige | The Brainiac of Lead Generation | The Captain of Conversion | Powerful Passive Income…and Comic book-like superpower


Synopsis As the Sr. Conversion Educator at Leadpages™, Tim Paige spends his days helping business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers utilize the billions of data points from Leadpages™ so they can increase revenue, grow their lists, and further scale up their businesses. You’ve likely heard his voice as the host of Leadpages™ official podcast, ConversionCast, on stage at several live events, or as the host of one of over 500 Leadpages™ webinars in the past 24 months. He's also a professional voice actor with clients such as the UFC, The CW, AT&T and more. Tim and I discuss:  Lead conversions...good and bad stats Effective Opt in strategies  Email list building  Creating Passive Income  ...and comic book super powers