Apostle Sydney Quaye

The Blessing of Abraham



Led by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In today's inspiring message, Apostle Sydney Quaye discusses the blessings of Abraham, the father of faith, and the promise made to him by God. He explains that if a person is baptized into Christ, they become Abraham's seed, inheriting the characteristics, experiences, and blessings of Abraham. The blessings of Abraham come upon believers through Christ, and believers are programmed for prosperity and happiness. Apostle Sydney explains that as Abraham's seed, believers are programmed for blessings and prosperity, as God has given them his most precious gift, his son. God called Abraham out from his country and promised to bless him and make his name great. Abraham's life illustrates the blessings of being God's chosen, overcoming adversity, and receiving God's abundant blessings. As Abraham's seed, believers have dominion over their environment and will see the manifestation of God's promises in their life. By believing and declaring