Westside Barbell

Conjugate for Tactical Training, Training Different Demographics & More, - Jason ”Gus” Gusic - WSBB#69



The concept of Conjugate Tactical predates our official launch in 2018 back nearly 10 years. Serving in a number of roles at Westside Barbell for nearly a decade, Conjugate Tactical’s founder “Gus” began to apply his knowledge of and application of the Westside Methods to address the increasing demands of the military personnel and first responders relying on the proven Westside Barbell Methods after being brought on board the headquarters' team full time. After many years of training and coaching on behalf of Westside Barbell, in a variety of roles including being a member of the official seminar staff, this application of the methods was given the official title of Conjugate Tactical with the launch of The Conjugate Club 2018. Westside’s official online educational resource. Conjugate Tactical has since transitioned from what it once was to what it now is; The official extension of Westside Barbell for the tactical user. Our mission is to provide “A Way” to any and all that seek our service. With over 100 s