Bone Throwers Theater

BTT One-Shot: The Grimworld, Ep. 1



This one-shot kicks off with the FOUR HUNDREDTH, yes 400th, episode of the podcast! So of course we needed to make it a special one. We are play-testing a game that is still in development with a guest GM, and friend of the show, Mike. While we create characters in this episode, he shares glimpses and insights into the mechanics of the game, some of the steps that were taken in developing the system, along with a few inspirations for this "post-historic" world. System: Grimworld (in development) by Sand & Glass Entertainment CAST:Aaron — Jamison "Jim"Jeff — Nathaniel "Nickel"Jeremy — Justice Ciro "Juice"Johnny — Franklin "?"Jordan — Arlo "Squint"Mike — The Grim Master Music in the background from Fesliyan Studios