Real Talk With Jayden Perkins

Armin Miewes: The Consensual Cannibal



Armin Miewes had been obsessed with cannibalism from a young age. After his father left the family when he was young, he became fascinated with the story of Hansel and Gretel and had thoughts of eating his classmates at 12 years old. He continued to have this obsession into adulthood, but when his mother died in 1999, he was completely free to dive into these desires. Being a computer technician, he went online and found forums of people with similar interests. Using the alter ego “Franky”, he posted on the Cannibal Cafe, that he was looking for a man with cannibalistic fetishes. He met several men in hotel rooms to roleplay the act, but none would agree to completely go through with it. However, on March 6, 2001, Armin found a willing participant. --- Support this podcast: