Straight Talk With Wayne

The Power of Your Voice: Unleashing Prophetic Decrees



Welcome to another powerful episode of Straight Talk with Wayne, your daily source of prophetic revelation, prayer, and Christian news. In today's show, Pastor Wayne introduces "Day One" from his book Spoken, Unleashed: A Prophetic Decree for Your Financial Miracle. Discover the transformative power of your voice as Pastor Wayne explains how your words can command the spirit world, shift atmospheres, and activate angelic miracles. Drawing upon biblical scriptures such as Job 22:28 and Proverbs 18:21, this episode emphasizes the importance of speaking wisely and decreeing God's will into your life. Listen, enjoy, and share these anointed messages of hope and glory. Be sure to subscribe and engage with the prophetic decrees to unlock divine provision and blessings. For more resources and to get the book, visit Amazon and search for Wayne Sutton Spoken.