Straight Talk With Wayne

Unleashing Prophetic Decrees for Financial Miracles- Day #2 of 31



Welcome to another powerful episode of Straight Talk with Wayne, your daily source of prophetic revelation, prayer, and Christian news. Join Pastor Wayne from as he reads from his book, Spoken: Unleashing the Prophetic Decrees for Your Financial Miracle. Pick up your copies at  In this episode, Pastor Wayne delves into the second day of the book, emphasizing the importance of focus and remaining steadfast in the face of distractions. He reads a prophetic decree designed to fortify your mind and spirit, ensuring you stay aligned with God's promises for your life. Discover how to win the daily battles by surrendering to His presence and proclaiming His victory in your life. Learn to trust in His provision and maintain perfect peace as you navigate through life's challenges. Don't forget to pick up your copy of the book on Amazon or through, and explore other inspirational titles available. Most importantly, embrace the Lordship of Jesus Christ in al