Chats With Susan Burrell

Elevate and Rise Up



Ep#279 - Elevate and Rise Up, A Solo Show with your host, Susan Burrell As we enter into the month of June, 2024 I am reminded of our theme for the year, Potential and also of our theme for this month. Elevate. Are we ready to rise up? To reach above our “normal” level? I believe it is time for us to Expand and continue our 2024 journey into our potential and elevate our inner consciousness. The idea of being elevated and rising up to a new level brings me joy. I believe many of us are being called into our full potential and are rising to the challenge. We are in a new era of moving from a 3-D living experience of materialism to an elevated level of what is being called 5-D living. Yes, we are still on this planet and grounded in Mother Earth but I believe we are also in an elevated space of consciousness. We are being given a new opening, a new way of being. And yes, old patterns are breaking up and falling apart. We are experiencing and seeing what looks like chaos. And it is chaos, it feels crazy at tim